Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More from Healthy Advice from the Pro's

Here are a few more helpful "Q & A's" that were previously published in Healthy Advice from the Pro's:

My Chihuahua has developed cataracts and is now blind. Is there hope 
for her to see again?

The first step is to ask your veterinarian for a referral to a Board 
Certified veterinary ophthalmologist. An ophthalmologist will perform 
a thorough eye exam and blood tests to determine if your Chihuahua is 
a good candidate for surgery. Cataract surgery may indeed restore her 
vision. Dogs with cancer, uncontrolled diabetes, or other eye disease 
may not be the best candidates for the surgery.

My cat's eye is swollen and red. Is it okay to use eye drops that I have from my own eye injury?
No. Swollen red eyes could be due to corneal ulcers or scratches, foreign material trapped (near) the eye, decreased tear production, inflammation of the surrounding tissue (conjunctivitis), or infectious diseases. The treatment will vary depending on the cause of the redness and swelling; therefore, though humans and animals use similar medication, you need to be sure of the diagnosis before instituting treatment

Keith Montgomery DVM Dip ACVO

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