Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" -- Dr. Seuss
I saw this quote on the bottom of an email, part of the salutation line and thought how fitting this is for every day life and can be applied in veterinary medicine.
Often times clients are embarrassed to ask questions or share their pet's history with the doctor because they are fearful that they will be perceived as if they did something wrong or did not take care of their pet. This is not the case, by the time you walk through the doors of a specialty and emergency hospital, we know you care, otherwise why would you be there? Regardless of the circumstance of how you and your pet arrived, we are grateful you made it so you can get the answers you are looking for.
"Say what you mean, mean what you say"
This is also important. Saying that your cat has been straining "forever" is a very long time. In order for us to help, we need to know is "forever" a day, a week, a month? Please be direct and specific and we will do the same.
"They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care"
That one applies for all of us in veterinary medicine. Once a client walks in, they know to expect the most advance medical care we can provide, what the clients want is a person who talks to them in a language they can understand. Someone who cares for them as well as their pet. Someone who helps educate them about diabetes, epilepsy, or whatever the issue may be.
We are all in this together and we all have the same goal, the best care that can be provided for your pet!
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